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丝路员工成长记 ⑲ | “无惧挑战 突破自我”的李佳佳、阿卜杜拉

来源:米乐m6 工程、中材建设  发布时间:2023-12-15



就在今年是结对共建“范围十路”建议提出者 10 周年纪念。10 近年来,中国有家居墙体建筑集團坚定理想信念不移走國際化路面,持续不断全新“离开去”模型,保持秉承“为本土发展前景作奉献、与本土企业主协议、为本土中国人民服务项目项目”的协议互惠“三原理”,为“范围十路”沿途国和的地区提拱高效率家居墙体建筑和项目工程高技术服务项目项目,为构造 米乐m6 财运双方体奉献了家居墙体建筑爆发力。
我国建筑装饰材料集团官网有遍布全国世界各国的 2 万多家淘宝员工辞职,大家 在行稳致远砥砺中填写精彩瞬间试卷,在企业公司什么是成长中体现各自什么是成长,用点几滴的静静的奉献精神简练共筑“美美的与共”快乐宏图。接了来,米乐m6 将为很多人来讲各举100 位境外企业员工的历史故事情节,看用户该怎样在“一堡五路”发展中播撒梦想作文的图片种子,获得欣喜果种,填写真实感动历史故事情节……01

李佳佳2008 年填加中国现代建筑材料 第一任国墙体建筑水利施工夹层玻璃水利施工国外的卫生市场部中高级建筑项目师春节新始






Challenges and Breakthroughs under High Temperature

Li JiajiaJoined CNBM in 2008The Senior Engineer of CTIEC Overseas Glass Engineering DepartmentThe snowy landscapes of China in winter are bitter cold, yet filled with joy as people look forward to the coming New Year. My feelings, however, was complex, as the company assigned me to a project in Saudi Arabia while my family planned to return to our hometown for the New Year. Having not returned home for a festive reunion in years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I hoped I could go to the project site after the New Year. Nevertheless, I persuaded my family after received the company's assignment on January 6th, packed my luggage, and took a flight on January 9th to reach the site.Upon arrival, I threw myself into work immediately despite more than 30 hours of travel. My responsibilities included training, liaising with the owner and management company. As a quality manager with no reference or prior experience, I faced a formidable challenge. The vast, lonely desert intensified my feelings of uncertainty. The job on-site at the glass factory is tough and demanding. I often asked myself – is it worth? Does work make me more efficient, creative, intelligent, growing and developing?Faced with these new challenges, I was initially overwhelmed by unfamiliar quality jargon. However, thanks to my decent English skills in college, I did not face major communication barriers. After understood the requirements, I diligently researched related material, identified differences between domestic and foreign standards, provided prompt feedback, and gradually solved each problem in turn. Over the past six months, I've improved my problem-solving skills considerably. Now, I'm quite comfortable with my role. In my spare time, I attend football matches and dinner with my colleagues, which strengthens the friendship between us.

In addition to coordinating with the owner and the management company, the project manager also assigned me to oversee the installation, debugging, and testing of pipeline equipment. Through constant learning, adjusting to the actual situation on site, and guiding the installation company to conduct civilized and orderly construction, I managed to align the work with the owner and supervisor's requests and national construction standards, thus avoiding major errors and omissions that could cause irreparable damage.Looking back at the last six months, the confusion, disorientation, and loneliness I felt when I first arrived have faded, replaced by a fiery passion for my work. Even under the high temperature of 40-50 degrees, the project team is not shrinking back, but courageously pushing forward, creating a new world in this familiar yet strange land. I'm confident that our hard work will blossom into brilliant results.Now I come into contact with more people and things than in the past, but also more complicated. Although I can't claim to have mastered every aspect of this on-site work, I believe that it was a worthwhile journey, that I have lived up to my youthful potential. I remind myself that as a young person, I should have the ability and courage to shoulder responsibilities. Since I chose this job, I should continue with positivity, passion, specialization, and dedication.

Personal Insights:

As time flies, I find myself having been on site for nearly half a year. I've withstood the dual challenges of harsh weather conditions and heavy workloads, gaining independence and confidence. The adeptness in handling affairs, attained in such a short span of time, has enabled rapid personal growth. I consider it an honor to contribute to the Belt and Road Initiative. Every effort made and sweat shed is worthwhile, embodying the spirit of youth, making achievements, and striving to be a model CTIEC employee.02





与各混凝土厂搭建起健康媒体合作的联系也赢下了用户的非常夸赞“米乐m6 要专心为人处事,专心会做人米乐m6 要与SINOMA一块儿孩子成长”是阿卜杜拉的口碑禅
A Passionate Supporter of SINOMA, Abdellah

Abdellah AribiJoined CNBM in 2017Business and Supply Chain ManagerAbdellah Aribi became a member of the SINOMA Algeria Company on April 1st, 2017, marking the beginning of his enduring tenure as one of the company's most longstanding local employees. Throughout his journey, he has assumed various roles including logistics assistant, logistics engineer, and Business and Supply Chain Manager. In 2018, Abdellah Aribi's exceptional contributions were acknowledged when he was honored as an outstanding foreign employee by SINOMA Construction Co., Ltd. Furthermore, he has consistently demonstrated exceptional performance as a local employee of the Algeria company, earning recognition for several consecutive years.The year 2022 is the key year for restarting the negotiation of Oil Extraction Project. Facing new problems in logistics, Abdellah step up coordination on good grounds in every logistics meeting, using his professional and solid knowledge of logistics and shipping, from the division of rights and responsibilities of Incoterms to the specific and detailed procedures of the customs clearance process at the port of destination, and from the flow of documents from the shipping company to the workflow of the customs department, he constantly overcame the difficulties, and pushed forward the restarting of the project.As SINOMA Construction Algeria Company expanded its operations and implemented regional integrated management, the Algeria company took on the responsibility of managing logistics for various projects. Abdellah, as a dedicated logistics engineer, readily embraced this role without hesitation. Algeria's customs policies exhibit varying degrees of deviation across different provinces. Given that the company's projects are situated in diverse provinces, particularly when importing temporary equipment, they are subjected to distinct customs regulations and oversight. Consequently, upon project completion, it becomes imperative to promptly register these temporarily imported equipment with customs to mitigate the risk of confiscation by the Algerian government. Abdellah displayed unwavering commitment, even leaving behind his newlywed wife, as he tirelessly traversed between multiple customs offices. He navigated the ALGIERS customs in the capital, ventured to the BECHAR customs near the Moroccan border, journeyed to the ORAN customs in the port city, and ventured further to the BISKRA customs located amidst the desert. His relentless efforts and steadfast determination are evident in the indelible marks he left behind.Frequently embarking on journeys that commenced on Sundays and concluded on Thursdays, Abdellah's commitment was such that even his recently married wife humorously questioned married wife joked that he married SINOMA like she married him. Thanks to persistent communication, coordination, and adept showcases of his expertise, Abdellah managed to establish streamlined communication channels with customs offices across different regions. As a result, he successfully executed the necessary customs clearance procedures for the company's temporarily imported equipment. Throughout this extensive process of interaction and collaboration, customs officials in various provinces came to genuinely recognize SINOMA as an industrial engineering company embodying professionalism, responsibility, and unwavering integrity.In 2022, as SINOMA Algeria Company embarked on promoting industrial development through project support, there was a gradual shift from project management to market management. Abdellah exemplified dedication and leadership, wholeheartedly embracing his responsibilities. He undertook a remarkable journey, Abdellah is aware of his responsibility, takes it on himself and carries it out. He stood at the front, rushed to the front, and worked at the front in his work, and visited more than 20 cement plants one after another. SINOMA’s new customers in the year increased by 950% compared with the previous year. Furthermore, strong and cooperative relationships were established with each cement plant. As of now, all operations have proceeded seamlessly, garnering significant acclaim and appreciation from the esteemed customers.Abdellah consistently serves as a source of inspiration for his colleagues, frequently reminding them of the importance of hard work, diligence, and ethical behavior. He emphasizes that SINOMA has provided them with an exceptional platform to demonstrate their capabilities. It is their collective responsibility to progress alongside SINOMA in Algeria, contributing to the growth and development of both the company and the nation.

Personal Insights:

Abdellah said: “The China-Arab States Summit was held in Saudi Arabia in December 2022, and President Xi Jinping’s address about The Belt and Road Initiative encouraged me. I am determined to respond positively to this initiative: to promote cultural fusion and cultural exchanges between China and the Arab countries, in particular with Algeria. I am honored to be a witness and a participant. I LOVE CHINA, I LOVE SINOMA.”

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