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来源:苏州中材、中材海外  发布时间:2023-11-24



今年初是共创“一堡开始”倡仪书强调10年份。10 余年,中国人建筑材料集团公司立场总是坚持走国.际化的道路,反复转型升级“跨过来”状态,总是本着“为本地人成长作成就、与本地人中小型企业媒体合作项目、为本地人群众售后产品”的媒体合作项目互赢“三原理”,为“一堡开始”沿石的国家和的地方给予高性能量建筑材料和过程技艺售后产品,为构筑米乐m6 女人的命运相互体成就了建筑材料能量。国装饰建材集团网站具备传遍全世界的 2 万几十名跨国店员,许多人在磨砺奋发中填写好玩试卷,在机构发展进步中实现目标一起蜕变,用有一点几滴的无怨无悔推荐栩栩如生演绎出“好好与共”快乐信标。收起来,米乐m6 将为玩家了解在其中100位在海外公司职员的典故,看这些怎么样去在“地带六路”建造中播撒想要的种子吧,回报开心的成果,英文书写充足缤纷多彩、条理清晰新鲜的催人泪下典故……

叶飞2003 年入驻在我国装饰材料現任杭州中材埃塞俄比亚莱米万吨左右线好项目管理“等不出”的艰巨感




























他踏足的每一项方地区Write a Poem of Hard Work with Passion

Ye FeiJoined CNBM in 2003The Project Manager of SINOMA(Suzhou)’s Ethiopian Lemi 10000t/d Cement Clinker Production ProjectYe Fei's working consists of "three senses", namely the sense of urgency that can't be delayed, the sense of crisis that can't be mitigated, and the sense of responsibility that can't be evaded. Since 2003, Ye Fei has been working at the frontline of various projects. The increasing awareness of his "three senses" has become the driving force for his active involvement in those projects. Today, Ye Fei is the project manager of the 10K-ton production line project in Lemi, Ethiopia. In addition to daily management tasks, he and his team uphold the core values of "innovation, performance, harmony, and responsibility". They demonstrate the abilities to endure hardships, fight difficulties, tackle challenges, and dedicate themselves, showing the "Iron Army" spirit of SINOMA. Together they write a poem about youth and hard work.
During the three years of the rampant epidemic, Ye Fei insisted on the Vietnam projects. "Thinking about the projects all the time, but never about personal life" has become a portrait of his work. Under the permission of the Vietnamese government's epidemic prevention policy, he successively participated in the construction of Vietnam Song Lam No. 4 Pulverizing Station, Ocean Group Phase I and Ocean Group Phase II projects. For wellknown reasons, all aspects of the projects were hampered. The manufacturers’ service personnel were restricted from leaving the country. There was a shortage of supplies. And they were bounded by various epidemic prevention measures, etc. The only way to solve these problems was to make limited breakthroughs using innovation. Ye Fei and the team members communicated with the manufacturers’ service staff online and liaised with local authorities offline. Finally, they overcame numerous difficulties and completed the projects on time with high quality. "His footprints can be found at every project site. His figure can be seen in every production workshop. And his wisdom lies in every solved problem," this is how his team describes him. He has also received praise and trust from the clients due to his professional skills and highquality service, which brought every WHP project to a successful end.Rooted in the frontline for 20 years, Ye Fei has gained superb skills, like a bird soaring high in the sky. Ye Fei surely is a person who keeps learning and becomes better. In his spare time, he always uses every moment to learn and summarize. As he gradually increases his knowledge like building a tower, he slowly comes to understand the proverb "height affects everything". In turn, this has brought him direct changes and results. He uses his experience in management work and strives for excellence in service. He also seeks innovation in craftsmanship. He focuses on details and works hard to improve his knowledge and skills. He has published many high-quality papers in various journals, such as “Application of Laser Radar Level Sensor in Cement Plant Silo Monitoring”, which have brought him value and honor as well as respect and trust from his peers and clients.It is true that action is the key to true understanding. It is impossible to solve the problems that occur on site without being there. Ye Fei gains everyone's respect not only because of his superb professional knowledge, but also due to his unswerving "three senses" attitude. He goes to the site and shows his ideas. Then he returns to make plans. He needs to be extremely cautious and memorize every progress point. That's how he gets a wellthought-out plan. It is worth mentioning that he has solved many technical problems on various WHP projects. With his proactive work attitude, innovative personality and the courage to face challenges, he has completed many projects on schedule, including the Vietnam Ninh Binh WHP project, Song Lam Pulverizing Station, Ocean Group Phase I production and Ocean Group Phase II. He shows the world the fearless "Iron Army" spirit of SINOMA (Suzhou) with his actions.You can't have your cake and eat it too. Choosing to work abroad means focusing wholeheartedly on work and lack of time to spend with the family. After working abroad for 3 years, Ye Fei finally embarked on a journey back to China at the end of 2022. However, on the second day of the Lunar New Year, after spending only 20 days with his family, he once again set off on a journey. In February 2023, he received an order to go to SINOMA (Suzhou) as the project manager of the 10K-ton production line project in Lemi, Ethiopia. Without hesitation, he embarked on a journey to Ethiopia thousands of miles away. Upon arriving at the location of the project, he found himself in an unfamiliar working environment. He worked day and night and spent a week learning the current state of the project. Then he made detailed plans of the project in various aspects such as contracts, blueprints, progress, quality, safety, costs, and logistics. He also assigned tasks and responsibilities to specific positions and personnel. Today, under his leadership, the SINOMA (Suzhou) 10K-ton production line project in Lemi, Ethiopia is under construction with high quality. Soon, a passionate melody of a new era will be heard on the vast land of Africa. The SINOMA International's poem of hard work will also be carved into a monument by the hands of people like Ye Fei.In the past 20 years, Ye Fei has devoted himself to his work diligently. His position has no glamorous embellishments. Nothing about his work is earthshattering or sentimental. However, he has selflessly dedicated his youth to the frontline far away from home. Being a man of responsibilities and commitment, he has planted the SINOMA brand on every piece of land he visited."Apart from professional spirit, quality shines from within," is his motto.

陈金泉2013 年倒入中国有建筑装饰材料列任华人中材园区沙特 YAMAMA 工程监理单位副总运营经理运营经理兼商务电话部副外长




2014 年












2017 年

阿根廷 L’Amali 项目启动











陈金泉又踏上沙特 YAMAMA 项目的征程



坚持为工司在南美沿海地区的地域管辖化运作作功绩The Overseas Pathfinder

Chen JinquanJoined CNBM in 2013The Deputy General Manager of YAMAMA Relocation Project and Deputy Manager of Commercial Department of SINOMA OverseasFor the past decade, Chen Jinquan has been a devoted and steadfast presence on the front lines of overseas operations. Since assuming his role in 2013, he has actively participated in prestigious projects such as the UAE ABMC project, the CongoKim PPCB project, the Argentina-L'Amali secondline project, and the recently launched Saudi YAMAMA project in 2023, where he will now be based as a resident. Throughout his journey, Chen Jinquan has exemplified unwavering diligence, selflessness, and a resolute commitment to his labor duties, never succumbing to complaints or setbacks. His courage and trailblazing spirit as an overseas representative have positioned him as a role model for the younger generation within the company. Furthermore, his steadfast efforts over the past decade have made significant contributions to the successful implementation, territorial operations, and internationalization of the company's overseas projects.
Amidst the challenges and adversities, Chen Jinquan embraced the opportunity to turn difficulties into triumphs. In 2014, as the PPCB project was launched in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, an Ebola outbreak and a prevailing malaria epidemic plagued the country, exacerbated by a scarcity of commercial personnel on the front lines. Unfazed by the circumstances, Chen Jinquan made an unwavering commitment to join the PPCB project site in the Congo, becoming an integral part of the team. The construction conditions in Congo were exceptionally arduous, marked by limited availability of materials, outdated transportation routes, and daunting customs clearance and tax exemption processes. Undeterred by these adversities, Chen Jinquan served as the commercial manager, persistently focused on project timelines and schedules. Between the period of 2014 and 2017, despite suffering from recurring bouts of malaria, he willingly postponed his leave multiple times, playing a pivotal role during critical stages of the project. He ensured smooth logistics clearance and maintained steady progress throughout the project, laying a solid foundation for its advancement.Like a ship navigating through turbulent waters, Chen Jinquan fearlessly embraced the challenges that came his way. In August 2017, the launch of the L'Amali project in Argentina marked SINOMA International's first single EPC project in South America, carrying significant strategic importance. Recognizing the project's significance, the company prioritized the assignment of personnel with extensive project experience, and Chen Jinquan eagerly accepted the role of project business manager, joining the project site's front line. The Argentine project, with its localization efforts subcontracted to local companies, posed a major endeavor for the company. The project implementation encountered unprecedented difficulties and presented substantial challenges to business management. Complexities such as tax exemptions, customs clearances, substantial local procurements, the involvement of four civil works subcontractors, economic crises, legislative changes, outbreaks of Covid-19, frequent contract alterations, and claims and counterclaims became the norm, creating immense pressures in business management. These challenges were unlike anything typically encountered in other projects, and they demanded exceptional negotiation skills and resilience. Throughout the project implementation, under the leadership of the company, Chen Jinquan and his dedicated business team bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities. They actively integrated fee control, civil works, installation, finance, and legal advisory services, aligning their actions with the company's formulated "grand strategy." Their unwavering focus remained on safeguarding the company's interests, seeking opportunities amidst crises, breaking free from routine approaches, and forging new paths. Despite facing significant resistance from the project owner, they made steady progress, gradually resolving local subcontractor claims and addressing cash flow requirements through timely claims. In early 2022, after overcoming the aforementioned difficulties, the project successfully reached a smooth handover, and all commercial aspects, including claims and counterclaims, were closed within expectations.Pressing forward while staying true to our initial aspirations, the march of progress never ceases. Following the conclusion of Argentina's L'Amali project in 2022, and after a brief interlude, Chen Jinquan now embarks on a new endeavor—the YAMAMA project in Saudi Arabia. This groundbreaking initiative, encompassing the world's first 10,000-ton line demolition project, presents unparalleled difficulties and challenges. As the company's Vice Minister of Commerce and Deputy General Manager of Projects, Chen Jinquan remains resolute in his commitment to forge ahead, unwavering in his dedication to the company's expansion in Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East region.Personal insights:The realization of overseas development strategy demands an esteemed team with international vision and advanced management capability. During the past ten years, I have had the honor to steadily follow such development strategy of the company and continuously forged myself in those EPC Projects from a normal commercial engineer to an independent and good commercial manager. It is my determination to unswervingly deepen my contribution to the overseas market and make all due effort to witness and facilitate the further international and localization development of the company.

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