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丝路员工成长记⑪ | 汉语溜、业务好、爱操心的尼日利亚经理:拉斐尔、欧碧

来源:中材国际、中材建设  发布时间:2023-11-14



去年是区域化党建“范围节节高升”倡仪书展示 10周年活动。10 这几年来,全球装饰家装家装建材集团有限公司立场坚决贯彻走国外化道路上,持续不断的科学创新“走出抑郁去”模式切换,总是始终坚持“为本县提升作功绩、与本县客户公司公司合作、为人处事民业务”的公司公司合作共利“三规则”,为“范围节节高升”周边发展中国家和沿海地区展示 优产品品质装饰家装家装建材和建筑工程项目管理应用业务,为引入人类祖先财运一起体功绩了装饰家装家装建材力。
国内 建材装饰群体具备席卷国内的2万两名在国外销售人员,孩子们在栉风沐雨锐意进取中写法出彩答案,在机构发展进步中体现同时我的成长,用方面滴下的静静地奉献精神内容丰富共筑“美美哒与共”美好生活图纸。接了来,米乐m6 将为朋友们进述另外100 位国际业务人员的桥段,看他怎么在“三区一起”搭建中播撒的梦想的图片种子,收益开心果實,写字丰富的异彩、生动活泼鲜美的感动桥段……01
在工作的中熏陶 在重铸中成才


明年引入国内 建材材料現任中材设计尼日利亚有效我司食品销售人员部顾客管理师拉斐尔建立米乐m6 家居建材虽不充分2年


是FABCOM 工厂家喻户晓的“明星”人物





























Improve Abilities in Work and Excel Through Challenges


Rafael UmerkongJoined CNBM in 2022Account Manager of Product Sales Department of SINOMA Nigeria Co., Ltd.Raphael, a 30 year-old handsome and talented  young man from Nigeria, joined SINOMA-FABCOM in March 2022 as a customer manager in the product sales department. Since his arrival, Raphael has demonstrated unwavering dedication to his work, quickly establishing himself as one of the best sales executives at FABCOM, and a “star” of the company.Born on November 1, 1993, Raphael graduated from Akwa Ibom State University in 2020 with a degree in political science. His early career included positions as a Commissioner of Administration and a clerk, but faced with limited income and growing life pressures, he made the difficult decision to resign from these jobs. Motivated to create a better future for himself and his family, Raphael sought opportunities in a more promising field. By chance, he became part of a FABCOM's family in Nigeria. Determined to pursue his dreams, Raphael embarked on a journey of continuous learning and practical experience from the moment he joined the company. His proactive attitude enabled him to quickly integrate into the team and adapt well to his new role. As a local employee who understand well about Nigerian culture, he swiftly moved up from an ordinary factory worker to a customer manager in the sales department.Raphael's unwavering determination and passion for continuous learning impressed everyone when he first joined FABCOM. He eagerly immersed himself in learning theoretical knowledge in production and sales from Chinese teachers. Recognizing the importance of effective communication, he took the initiative to learn Chinese to facilitate better interaction with his teachers. During his theoretical studies, he sought guidance from Chinese staff, relentlessly striving to comprehend technical principles and professional terminology. From initially being unfamiliar with production equipment, raw materials, and colored stone tile products, Raphael's strong sense of responsibility drove him to continuously enhance his technical expertise and practical skills. He seized every opportunity to expand his knowledge, not only for himself but also to foster exchange with fellow colleagues. "Learning is a ladder of progress," Raphael emphasized. "There is always more to learn." He maintains the habit of carrying a notebook, diligently recording encountered challenges and referring back to them for continual improvement. To conduct thorough market research and promote roofing products,Raphael embarked on journeys to various regions of Abuja. To ensure timely and high-quality completion of sales targets, he diligently worked overtime and negotiated business deals with diverse distributors,real estate developers, and engineers.Through persistent efforts, he achieved remarkable results in sales.Furthermore, he holds deep aspirations and ideals in his work, saying "My greatest desire is to approach my job with utmost dedication. As a sales account manager, I ensure that every roofing product meets stringent quality standards and is promptly delivered to customers, striving for 100% customer satisfaction. These products and equipment are like my children, and I need to take good care of them and ensure their healthy growth."


Raphael's dedication and accomplishments since joining FABCOM have earned him widespread praise and recognition. He has risen from being an ordinary salesman in the factory to becoming a customer manager in the product sales department. This promotion reflects the high recognition for his past achievements and provides him with the opportunity to delve deeper into his responsibilities. Today, he is an indispensable andvalued member of the Sales Department, fully recognized for his contributions. Raphael views FABCOM as a place of immense opportunities. He has acquired a wealth of new knowledge, forged meaningful friendships, and earned a substantial income. Every moment spent in this team holds significant value to him. He has overcome spatial and cultural barriers in the company, and together with his Chinese colleagues, they have formed a tight-knit team, akin to a family. Their collective efforts aim to create a brighter future for FABCOM. His current position not only validates his professional abilities, but also serves as a source of personal inspiration. Raphael takes great pride in the progress of the company’s construction projects in Nigeria and worldwide, and he feels honored to contribute to these endeavors. Moving forward, he is committed to continuing his hard work, collaborating with the company to improve living conditions and create better opportunities for Nigerians.

Personal Insights

I love CBMI and my work. I can not become an excellent customer manager without the support of the company, I will continue to work hard and strive for new achievements, live up to the excellent platform provided by the company, and work for company’s future development and my personal dreams.02


























 A Devoted HR Manager


Obiageri Clementina HenshawJoined CNBM in 2015The HR Manager of SINOMA Nigeria Co., Ltd.Obiageri C. Henshaw, a candid HR manager at CBMI Nigeria, is an inquisitive person. She graduated from the Chinese Department of Tianjin University and later studied at the School of International Relations at Nankai University. Two years later, she successfully obtained her master's degree. She joined SINOMA International in 2015 and devoted herself to work with "a grateful heart". According to her, she "quickly received appreciation and support from people around her, thanks to her selfless dedication.""As the HR manager of the company, my top priority has always been to foster the local employees' will to work and inspire passion in them, which is also crucial for the development of the company in Nigeria. From the perspective of localization, I think we can find and train more local young talents to join our team. By offering them professional training and highlighting the company's strategic guidance, they can gradually understand and accept the company's development strategy." When talking about her job, Obi shows her expertise and gives a lot of details.For eight years, she has been working diligently,managing her tasks in an orderly manner, such as processing HR files, labor contracts, HR information statistics, and job interviews, etc. “The deeper the well, the sweeter the water.” The Nigerian proverb has inspired her to proactively fulfill the duties of her position, assume the responsibility of helping other departments improve their HR work, and provide timely information, policies, and feasible suggestions and make a positive contribution to the work efficiency of the departments. Meanwhile, she also uses her advantage as a local to provide services for different departments of the company and serves as a helpful assistant to the management team, especially in handling external communications and liaising with the police departments, immigration offices, and departments of labor that handle corporate affairs. Her endeavor has facilitated related work.During the development and maintenance of public relations, Obiageri C. Henshaw not only provides service with enthusiasm, but also conveys SINOMA's culture and values to the local people in Nigeria. She promotes the company's products to the locals through Instagram, Linkedin, and Facebook, building SINOMA brand awareness among Nigerian people. "Whenever there is a problem, there is basically nothing Obiageri C. Henshaw can't communicate and solve as long as she is present," her colleagues said, "As a foreign employee, her hard work and professionalism have earned her the respect she deserves."


"The Ogun River is not alone. She has many sister rivers." Obiageri C. Henshaw knows the power and magic of teamwork. She strictly complies with the arrangements of her superiors at work and

coordinates with other departments to improve the overall efficiency of the company. Just as the Ogun River runs uninterruptedly towards the Atlantic Ocean, Obiageri C. Henshaw and her team never give up on their goals. "I am very thankful to God for giving me this opportunity and the friends," she said, "they have made me understand a lot of Chinese wisdom and allowed me to learn about the unknown and collaboration in an environment like this." Obiageri C. Henshaw answered the author's questions in a frank and confident manner.In her everyday work and life, she has felt the profoundness of Chinese culture and the harmonious atmosphere of the company. "I've been always inspired by my Chinese colleagues' positive attitude and their diligent and down-to-earth work ethic. Under their influence, I quickly adjusted to thecompany's pace and have achieved great career development here. I am grateful that the company has given me this platform where I found my own life.Surrounded by Chinese language, my children can also speak some Chinese. And even my neighborswould occasionally greet me in Chinese. Chinese culture has become a part of my life," said Obiageri C. Henshaw in fluent Chinese.As a western proverb says, "It’s easier for peole living under the same roof to shake hands." Due to the strong Chinese educational background, Obiageri C. Henshaw can understand the work attitudes and thinking styles of Chinese people. She helps others understand Chinese culture and learns to be dedicated in her work. Out of her love for Chinese culture, she teaches Chinese language and culture to local staff twice a week, which is helpful for cultural communication and allows employees to have a better understanding of their Chinese colleagues. This can also create a platform for knowledge and skill improvement, which is a crucial element for effective communication.When people praise her work and what she's done, she always responds with a humble smile and says, "It is my honor to serve such an outstanding company. And as an employee, it is my duty to do so. My effort may help people know the company better."Talking about future work, Obiageri C. Henshaw has unshakeable confidence. "SINOMA is an internationalleading cement company. CBMI Nigeria has deep roots in Nigeria. I will continuously improve my comprehensive abilities and encourage more excellent local Nigerian employees to join the company. I will also promote the company's roof system products and contribute to the company's local development. I'll continue to contribute my efforts and wisdom to the company's high-quality development."

Personal  Insights

I have been with the company for eight years, and my love for the company has grown day by day. CBMI is an international leader in the cement industry. CBMI Nigeria has been developing on a strong footing locally. I love my work. Going forward, I will continue to work with other local employees to promote our company and contribute to the company's localized development.

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